Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014

Study: Money Can Buy Happiness by Terms

Believe it or not, it turns out money really can buy everything including happiness. A recent study held by Dr. Miriam Tatzel from the State University of New York proves money can buy happiness if your income amounted to 45 thousand pounds sterling, or approximately USD 879.8 million per year (rate: USD 19 552 / US $). 

Citing Dailymail.co.uk page on Tuesday (19/08/2014), when income per year for it, you will enjoy life more focus. But if his income is still less than that number, the employee will live after money only. 

The research found that employees who earn more easier to find out what makes him happy. The employee will also have a strong relationship and other positive experiences. 

"Prosperity emotionally increases according to the level of your income," said Tatzel. 

A number of communities are extremely rich even difficult to define a standard of success achieved by others. These conditions make other people try to pursue it by working harder and spending more money. 

"When in fact, appropriate to meet the needs of income, which is not too hard to work and reduce the amount of consumption can shape the environment and character of a better society," he concluded. 

In fact, shopping expensive things can make a person feel happy. In addition, psychological factors such as the fulfillment of daily needs, have a great social life and self can make a person feel happier. 

"It also can make a person avoid debt and can buy whatever they want, they can be really happy," he said.

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